Black History Month: Post 4

Image by DavidRockDesign from Pixabay

Image by DavidRockDesign from Pixabay

Did you know? ….Black History across the Globe (Final Scene)


  • On May 21st, 2001, Colombia celebrated its first Afro-Colombian Day.


  • In the 1960s, first observed on May 13th… to mark the date of the abolition of slavery in this Country

  • Black Awareness or Black Consciousness Day is now celebrated on November 20th to honor the death of Zumbi (a Brazilian of Kongo origin and last King of the Quilombo dos Palmares)

Republic of Ireland

  • In 2010, Black History Month began in Cork

  • Cork is a fitting location given that this city was a leading center of abolition in the 19th century. Frederick Douglass and Charles Lenox Remond were two of the prominent black abolitionists to lecture there


  • Black Achievement Month (BAM) began in 2015 and occurs during the month of October

  • BAM seeks to connect the history, present and future of the African diaspora through the celebration of cultural arts (theater, dance, readings and cinema to name a few)

What interesting facts have you learned about during this Black History month?


March is Women’s History Month


Black History Month: Post 3