Dolores Huerta

Photo Courtesy of Dolores Huerta Foundation

Photo Courtesy of Dolores Huerta Foundation

Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta, born in Dawson, New Mexico on April 10, 1930. Ms. Huerta is an American labor leader and civil rights activist,  who (with Cesar Chavez) co-founded the National Farmworkers Association (NFA) in 1962. The NFA later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers (UFW).

Ms. Huerta helped organize the Delano grape strike in 1965 in California and was the lead negotiator in the workers' contract that was created after the strike.

Ms. Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers', immigrants', and women's rights, including the Eugene V. Debs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

She is the first Hispanic woman inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame, in 1993.

Learn more at: Dolores Huerta Foundation


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José Andrés