Staying current on events & trends impacting our partners, industries and services is at the heart of what we do.

Check out our posts to see how this insight informs you…

Janet Steward Janet Steward

We’re Excited to Announce our Certifications!

J. Steward Consulting is a certified WBE and WOSB small business. We’re excited to add diversity to partner supply chains.

J. Steward Consulting is certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) and was recently granted Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) certification through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third- party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the US.

J. Steward Consulting recognizes the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today, and we can add diversity to your supply chain. These designations further demonstrate our commitment to excellence and expertise to our partners and our industry.

Partner with us today!

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

March is Women’s History Month

Don’t forget to celebrate International Women’s Day - Monday, March 8th!

Don’t forget to celebrate International Women’s Day - Monday, March 8th!

Hi there!

Join us as we acknowledge and celebrate all women this month. Need a little encouragement? Read on for a few of our favorite / inspirational quotes:

  • “How important it is to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”. – Maya Angelou

  • “Don’t mistake politeness for lack of strength”. – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

  • “A woman is like a tea bag, only in hot water do you realize how strong she is”. – Nancy Reagan

  • “Don’t ever think that just because you do things differently, you’re wrong”. – Gail Tsukiyama

  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”!”. – Audrey Hepburn

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Black History Month: Post 4

J. Steward Consulting celebrates Black History Month.

Did you know?….Black History across the Globe (Act 1 : Scene 4)

Image by DavidRockDesign from Pixabay

Image by DavidRockDesign from Pixabay

Did you know? ….Black History across the Globe (Final Scene)


  • On May 21st, 2001, Colombia celebrated its first Afro-Colombian Day.


  • In the 1960s, first observed on May 13th… to mark the date of the abolition of slavery in this Country

  • Black Awareness or Black Consciousness Day is now celebrated on November 20th to honor the death of Zumbi (a Brazilian of Kongo origin and last King of the Quilombo dos Palmares)

Republic of Ireland

  • In 2010, Black History Month began in Cork

  • Cork is a fitting location given that this city was a leading center of abolition in the 19th century. Frederick Douglass and Charles Lenox Remond were two of the prominent black abolitionists to lecture there


  • Black Achievement Month (BAM) began in 2015 and occurs during the month of October

  • BAM seeks to connect the history, present and future of the African diaspora through the celebration of cultural arts (theater, dance, readings and cinema to name a few)

What interesting facts have you learned about during this Black History month?

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Black History Month: Post 3

J. Steward Consulting celebrates Black History Month.

Did you know?….Black History across the Globe (Act 1 : Scene 3)


Did you know? ….Black History across the Globe (Act 1: Scene 3)


  • In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History month….following a motion introduced by the 1st Black Canadian woman elected to Parliament ~ the Honorable Jean Augustine

  • In February 2008, Senator Donald Oliver (the 1st Black Canadian man appointed to the Senate), introduced the Motion to Recognize Contributions of Black Canadians and February as Black History Month. Receiving unanimous approval – it was adopted on March 4th, 2008

Read more: Canadian Heritage

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Black History Month: Post 2

J. Steward Consulting celebrates Black History Month.

Did you know?….Black History across the Globe (Act 1 : Scene 2)

Randy Duchain, Alamy Stock Photo

Randy Duchain, Alamy Stock Photo

Did you know? ….Black History across the Globe (Act 1: Scene 2)

United Kingdom

  • In 1987, through Ghanaian leadership, Akyaaba Addai-Sebo (coordinator of special projects for the Greater London Council (GLC) worked to create Black History month

  • In the U.K., Black History month is celebrated from October 1st – October 31st

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Heart Health Month - Go Red for Women

Celebrating February as Hearth Health Month

What an exciting Month! February 1st – February 28th is Heart Health Awareness Month!

Don’t forget to GO RED - National Wear Red Day - Friday, Feb. 5th! In support of Women’s Heart Health!!

Read more and donate: American Heart Association

Heart Health Month.png
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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Black History Month: Post 1

J. Steward Consulting celebrates Black History Month.

Did you know?….Black History across the Globe (Act 1 : Scene 1)

<a href=''>history icons png from</a>

<a href=''>history icons png from</a>

February 1st, 2021 marks the beginning of Black History month in the United States. This month is a time to celebrate, reflect, volunteer and raise one’s awareness on the contributions of African Americans to the U.S. (and around the world).

Did you know? ….Black History across the Globe (Act 1: Scene 1)

United States

  • In 1926, Carter G. Woodson* and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History announced the 2nd week of February as ~ Negro History Week

  • In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History month

*As an additional head nod to Mr. Woodson and Illinois, during the Summer of 1915, Mr. Woodson would travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in a national celebration marking the 50th anniversary of emancipation.

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Janet Steward Janet Steward


Foreward…It all begins with an idea.

Welcome to our first blog post! We’re so excited that you stopped by!! We struggled with exactly what to write on this initial entry as we didn’t want to make light of all that has occurred in the world this year (global pandemic, racial unrest, social, community and political division) has truly been epic and unprecedented….

And yet through everything that is happening / has happened, we have hope that better and brighter days are ahead of us (not just behind us). We’re excited and thankful to start J. Steward Consulting (including this website)..and look forward to adding posts that are indicative of our purpose, social and civic outreach activities.

A heartfelt / sincere “Thank You” goes out to Jennie Johns - Website Development Expert. The site looks great! Thanks for the critiques, counsel and improvement suggestions.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Safe Holiday season!

Kindest regards,

J. Steward Consulting Services, LLC

Forward Together….

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