Staying current on events & trends impacting our partners, industries and services is at the heart of what we do.

Check out our posts to see how this insight informs you…

Janet Steward Janet Steward

Happy Thanksgiving!

Entering into this Thanksgiving holiday, there is much to be thankful for…what are you thankful for? J. Steward Consulting Services wishes you and yours an enjoyable day!

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Anabella Villalobos

Dr. Anabella Villalobos was raised in Panama City. She received her BS in chemistry from the University of Panama and her Ph.D. (in 1987) at the University of Kansas.

 Dr. Villalobos was a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow at Yale University and joined Pfizer in 1989, where she worked on a variety of Central nervous system (CNS) projects in medicinal chemistry and diagnostics against Alzheimer's disease.

 In 2016, Dr. Villalobos became the VP of Neuroscience and Pain medicinal chemistry, and published a video outreach campaign to describe her work and in 2017, she was recruited to be the Senior Vice President for Biotherapeutics & Medicinal Sciences at Biogen.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

October is…

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Encourage your loved ones to get their annual mammographies. Consider donating your time and raising your awareness: Susan G. Komen.

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Dolores Huerta

Photo Courtesy of Dolores Huerta Foundation

Photo Courtesy of Dolores Huerta Foundation

Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta, born in Dawson, New Mexico on April 10, 1930. Ms. Huerta is an American labor leader and civil rights activist,  who (with Cesar Chavez) co-founded the National Farmworkers Association (NFA) in 1962. The NFA later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers (UFW).

Ms. Huerta helped organize the Delano grape strike in 1965 in California and was the lead negotiator in the workers' contract that was created after the strike.

Ms. Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers', immigrants', and women's rights, including the Eugene V. Debs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

She is the first Hispanic woman inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame, in 1993.

Learn more at: Dolores Huerta Foundation

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

José Andrés

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José Ramón Andrés Puerta is a world-renowned chef and restaurateur.  He is credited for bringing the small plate (or tapas) dining concept to the U.S., which is a fun and interested fact.

We also appreciate his humanitarian and activism efforts, as founder of the World Central Kitchen (WCK).  WCK is a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. Seeing that the U.S., Haiti and other countries have recently experienced natural disasters, Chef Jose and WCK has been on the ground serving countless meals to those most impacted by hurricanes and earthquakes.

Learn more at: World Central Kitchen

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

Continuing in our celebration, we delve into several distinguished members of our Hispanic community. Check back each week, September 15th, 2021 to October 15th, 2021 to see who we’re profiling. Our initial Post is regarding Dr. Ellen Ochoa…. Read on to learn more:

Photo Courtesy of NASA

Photo Courtesy of NASA

Ellen Ochoa

Ellen Ochoa is a California native born in Los Angeles, CA – May 1958. Ellen is an Engineer and went on to become the 1st female Hispanic American (Mexican American) U.S. astronaut to travel into space in 1993.

Dr. Ochoa investigated optical systems for performing information processing. She is a co-inventor on three patents and author of several technical papers.

Dr. Ochoa received numerous awards, including NASA's highest award - Distinguished Service Medal and the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award. 

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Happy Mexican Independence Day!

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Today we join in the celebration of Mexican Independence. Today acknowledges the victory of the Mexican people over Spain at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. 

Did you know that Mexican Independence is celebrated around the globe? How will you celebrate today?

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Happy Juneteenth 2021

In 2020, many U.S. cities and States began celebrating Juneteenth more broadly amidst the Global Pandemic and civil unrest. Juneteenth, also known as Emancipation Day, takes place annually on June 19. The word is derived from a combination of "June" and "nineteenth." It recognizes the day that the U.S. enslaved (African descendants) were all made aware of the Emancipation Proclamation and were officially / legally released from bondage.

Later in December 1865, the ratification of the 13th amendment formally abolished slavery in the United States.

Learn more about Juneteenth and Find ways to celebrate: National Museum of African American History & Culture

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Why Celebrate Pride?

While Pride month is not relegated to a single month, its significance encourages all (including LGBTIAQ+ allies) to support and celebrate everyone living in their unique truths and recognizing the value and importance that all contribute to the collective human experience.

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Learn More!

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed this month, learning and celebrating with the AAPI community! We plan on continuing our journey and encourage you to do the same.

Find more at Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center:

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Haunani-Kay Trask

Haunani-Kay Trask was born to a family who advocated for Hawaiian statehood. Haunani-Kay went against the grain and she has spent her life fighting for independence for her people.

She spent several years in the mainland while attending the University of Wisconsin and the University of Chicago, where she joined the Black Panther Party. She focused on her homeland and preserving native Hawaiian culture. 

Haunani-Kay returned home to teach at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, specializing in Polynesian women, Hawaii’s political movements and the Pacific Islands. Her work is revered, and she was awarded the Angele Y. Davis Prize in 2019 for her work in education and the arts.

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Chien-Shiung Wu

Chien-Shiung Wu was a Chinese American and is often referred to as the First Lady of Physics.

Her work in experimental physics advanced the work of the Manhattan Project when she was recruited to resolve issues that were occurring at its Hanford site. While women were often kept out of the Manhattan Project's research positions or omitted from the history books, Wu's contributions to science at large can’t be overlooked.

Chien-Shiung was a professor of physics at Columbia University.

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Janet Steward Janet Steward

Ted Fujita

Theodore Fujita, original name Fujita Tetsuya, (born October 23, 1920), was a Japanese-American meteorologist whose research primarily focused on severe weather.

His research at the University of Chicago on severe thunderstormstornadoeshurricanes, and typhoons revolutionized the knowledge of each.

He is best known for creating the Fujita scale of tornado intensity and damage.

Fujita is recognized as the discoverer of downbursts and microbursts.

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